February 3


Everything is one thing

By IsayaBelle

February 3, 2023

guidedlife, lifestory, LivingaGoddessLife, meaning

So I spent most of January dreaming, planning, organizing my life and my business… Creating the Goddess Life I desire. And I might well not be finished planning everything.
Yet something very powerful has emerged and I want to share.

Everything is connected.
"Well sure Isaya, didn’t they discuss that in the Bible already? … Or was it in the Secret? … Not much of "discovery", innit?"
I know, I know.
It doesn’t matter though, to know something, if that knowledge hasn’t landed in your body, your heart, your soul.
Today, it has.

Everything is connected.
In my life, in my business, in the multi-passionate TooMuch way I see everything…
In truth…
Everything is connected.
All the stuff that I talk about.
All the creative endeavors I undertake.
All the "systems" I have "created".

Everything is connected.
Everything is one thing.
Everything comes down to this:
Women are cyclic and we visit 4 different energies daily, monthly, yearly… and in our lives.
There are 4 paths.
There are 4 magics.
There are 4 alchemizing processes.

I finally have understood who I am and what I do ("time it is, Isaya!!")
Let me explain…

My life’s mission is about Living a Goddess life.
And holding space for you to do so too.

What is a Goddess Life?
It is a connected life, an aligned life, a conscious creative life, a heart-centered soulful life...
It means daily connection with yourself, with nature, the elements, the sky and the cosmos...
It is a life of being your fullest self, day in, day out.

"OK… I get that. How do you get there?"

Well that is the trick, dearest, we don’t "get there". We practice. We align.
It has nothing to do with "understanding" and much to do with practice and alignment.
It’s about doing and being the Living a Goddess Life thing.

"OK… How do we align then?"
Start now. Start simple. Start small. Keep going.
Consistency is THE key to success...
Don't forget to have fun with it...
You're doing this for YOU!
You've got this.

Let’s over-analyze this for you … So you get it fully…
Yes, it is that simple (too simple is NOT a thing!!).
Yes, it seems pointless.
Yes, it changes EVERYTHING.

An example?
We are in February. Just a few days after Imbolc, which marks the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, aka the moment of the year in the Northern Hemisphere where plants, animals and humans begin to awaken from their deep hibernation… And still need some rest to be able to harness the full on Spring energy in a few weeks…
Do you?
Do you rest?
Do you allow for time to sleep, daydream, imagine your future and plant your symbolic seeds for the Harvest to come?
Do you?
Or do you pretend… While running around like a headless chicken because you believe the more you hustle, the more money or happiness will come your way…
Do you?
Cause I can guarantee that if you don’t use the opportunity to rest NOW… You will end up exhausted around the end of Spring … Wondering why you simply can’t walk forward when all the energy is available and yet you just feel like hiding…

This is just one of the ways in which we can align. Just a simple example.

It has finally landed. I need to be talking about that. And only about that. I will be unfolding this teaching in all directions and on all channels in my world from now on.
There isn’t going to be any kind of launch or big reveal. This is not a blockbuster movie.
I will do as I advise you to. And walk my talk.
Start now. Start simple. Start small. Keep going.

On my website and everywhere, I will be organizing my offerings in 4 energies, and use the seasons to align.

For the time being, as you now know, we are still in the rest/dream/plan period (the end of the Winter Crone’s energy of going inwards). So my inner life is very rich and I’m in full on reading and writing mode (books, books, and more books!!). I walk with the Crone and let my Wise Woman storyteller be expressed! I connect with my inner wisdom, trust the nudges of my intuition and allow for my dreams to be inspiring. The Crone also invites us to stay close to our bodies and take care of them. That is what I’m doing.
As for my business offerings, they are mostly about holding space, working 1:1 with you, Tarot readings and other accompaniments around dreaming with you and planning your best life!
I’m also offering an opportunity for a retreat in France by the Ocean in March (yes I believe the best time for retreats is in winter!!)
Towards the end of the quarter, you will also hear me talk about my planning system, The Isaya System, which helps you get your plans in order and create your own Goddess Life and Business!

And then, for the second quarter which coincides with the Spring Energy, the energy of the Maiden… I will connect with my mind, with my thoughts and with the dynamic, innovative Tech Goddess part or me… And share all my Tech stuff more to assist your online growth and serenity… I’ll let my inner Teacher loose as well as my inner Cheerleader and both will be at your service!

In Summer, I’ll unleash the Mother Magic. I’ll open my Heart, summon my Artist and share all my creative, arty stuff. I’ll try to inspire you and give you permission to share your amazingness with the world more… I’ll love you back to healing and invite you to a retreat in Greece with the Goddesses… I’ll be the companion of your creative expansion and hopefully help you thrive in connection and community.

When Autumn returns, my Enchantress Priestess will unravel the magic of her Soul and I will be your mentor in transformation and alchemy, oracles and divination (watch this space for a Tarot and Oracle Summit coming in November). I’ll invoke the Divine into our world and create rituals and safe containers fro you to open up to your own magic. Together we will walk the path of the witch, the path of the Divine Feminine and begin our descent into our inner Crone all over again to heal, dream and rest for yet another winter.

Everything is connected.
Everything is one thing.
We are one.
You, me, the Earth, the Universe.
That is my philosophy, my mantra, my shtick as they say.
And that is now my business plan.
Wanna play?

So much for today ...
I would be so happy to hear from you about all that.
Thank you in advance for your comment.
Until then I send you love, light and gratitude.

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