Last September … I was in an online Summit.
Actually I organised an online Summit and participated in it.
It took 6 months.
With my bestie Kris Wallace we had the crazy idea in March and it took 6 months of hard fun and crazy work to both the incredible Women Lighting the Way Summit.
Our idea was to invite 12 women ( turned out to be 13!) to tell their stories and how these stories shaped their lives and businesses.
And present all of these stories in a proper state-of-the-art online Summit, Hay House style…
Of course being the Tech Goddess myself, I had THE tool ... A Summit platform I had purchased years before in a dreamy attempt to make something like that happen.
Then we set up to choose, find, and attract our speakers…
It wasn't long since 11 of our business friends and mentors said yes!
Then the fun began!
Each of these incredible, awesome women had a story and was ok to tell it to the world.
But that wasn't enough to “make” a Summit.
We all needed Tech skills that some of us didn't have.
We all needed “products” and “freebies” and “offers” and “giveaways” and email providers and funnels and an actual recording of our talk….
And for all that, some of us were fully ready, but most of us needed help, support, tutorials and assistance.
There were also some crucial mindset leaps necessary, regarding our capacities and our worthiness!
Various iterations of the Imposter Syndrome kicked in for many of us and had to be dealt with.
And all those women turned to us, Kris and myself, for help, as we seemed to be “in charge”... and to know what the heck we were talking about.
Which we weren't.

But, hey! Nothing like someone asking for your help, and trusting you to make you grow into that trust and learn what you need to help a fellow human.
And trust that if you were put in that position by the Universe (which might I remind you … is nothing but yourself!), it must mean that you have the tools and skills and heart to own it and do the job.
So we did.
Both Kris and I, we rose to the occasion and created a container, a secure and encouraging place for our speakers to feel safe and pushed enough out of their comfort zones that they would step up and create the leap they desired in their businesses.
And guess what, they did.
They tackled the “missing links” in their online businesses, filled in the Tech gaps, faced their mindset blocks and smashed them... with our help.
We held their hands all the way, organised, explained, created tutorials and meditations, solved problems and reassured…
We walked them (and ourselves, by the way!) through the deep dark forest filled with all the tech and mindset traps laid along the way, from fear and feeling less than or incapable, from email providers to freebie creation... and back home to their businesses... and how to grow them joyously and easily!

Here are some of their testimonials on how this journey went for them… They speak better than I could ever …
“With the Summit timescale it meant there was no putting things off until tomorrow which meant I finally got a new freebie created that had been on my To Do list for over a year and which continues to grow my list even after the event has finished.”
“And yes my comfort zones were pushed at the times but in a good growth way. And the lovely Isaya and Kris were there every step of the way supporting, guiding and nudging for accountability.”
“It has just been an amazing growth experience from start to finish and made possible by the vision and powerful technical, emotional and coaching support of Isaya and Kris.”
“I gained from the WLTW Summit, it also gave me the motivation to start sending out emails. I didn’t even have a list until after this project. Now I am building landing pages and new lists for all of my projects.”
“I was lovingly supported and guided throughout the process and always had somewhere to turn. If you feel as though you are floating alone or frequently wonder if anyone actually cares about your work, join one of their projects! They’ll guide you, motivate you, and remind you through every step.”
“Kris and Isaya did a great job creating a timeline for us to follow and this was helpful to me in recognizing I needed to establish some online fundamentals in my business in order to move forward. I finished my website & published it, in addition to learning how to create my very first landing page & set up an email list! “
“Working with Kris and Isaya on the Women Lighting the Way Summit was a life-changing experience. Yes, sales doubled, coaching clients increased, and my email list multiplied, but that was only part of the gift.”
“But Isaya and Kris both gently tended and encouraged me along, meaning that in 6 months I was ready to show up and shine my light in the world.”
“Thank you both so much for creating a safe space to expand in and grow in a beautiful way to be able to uplevel and share my story.”
“This Summit was the most effective and important thing I have done for my business and myself in the past 2 years.”

To our delight and joy, the Summit was a success.
Every talk was both powerful and vulnerable, authentic and insightful.
Each of our speakers dared and succeeded to be fully hersel, lighting the way for our attendees on authenticity and owning their story.
Kris and I were proud, humbled and fulfilled.
And Happy.
And a new idea was born…
What it …
What if we did it again?
What if, having learnt everything that we had, we offered 12 other amazing authentic budding online business women the same experience, the same container, helping them to build the foundations of their businesses, while creating their talks for a new Summit and gathering their audience.
So that, like the first cohort, they could walk proudly and confidently towards the sunset with new skills, new trust, a new audience, new business assets (an email list, a freebie, offers, a funnel, a recorded talk and so much more…) and a renewed self-assurance and self-esteem.
What if?
Well .. We did it!

We are offering that exact thing to 12 incredible women.
We start on March 21st and will accompany 12 awesome, amazing, trail blazer women to help them create the foundations of their online business and launch it through a Summit ... the intuitive feminine way!
If you feel you are a spiritual Tech resistant online entrepreneur, maybe even feeling in Tech denial,
If you feel your business is always “almost there” but still “nothing works with nothing” and all your Tech seems to be fighting each other (and you!)
If you have a message the world needs to hear, but no confidence in your skills to communicate it online,
If you are looking to build solid foundations for your online business (even if you already have bits and pieces scattered all around)
If you desire Tech help, mindset hand-holding, accountability and a 6-months container to finally get all your ducks in a row and stop fidgeting round,
If you hear the call of business sisterhood,
If you get that only authenticity and vulnerability will get you noticed in the interwebs,
Meet H.E.R. Enlightened Business Matrix.

I have seen my life and business change as a result of the first Summit.
And I am so excited to walk with you towards your Quantum Leap.
Now if you want to know the technicalities, you will find all the nooks and crannies on our page here:
And remember we start March 21st … And it's a 6-months container so the 2022 Summit will happen in September!
Talk to you soon!
So much for today ...
I would be so happy to hear from you about all that.
Thank you in advance for your comment.
See you soon, for my next online adventures!
Until then I send you love, light and gratitude.