So I didn’t write last week …
Because I was in Paris.
I traveled for 7 hours (car and train).
I was so lucky as to have a friend travel with me and she had access to a free flat in Paris.
And then …
On Thursday February 16th …
I met Miranda Gray.
THE Miranda Gray.
Author of Red Moon, Optimized Woman and creator of the World Wide Wombblessing.
And I became a certified Moon Mother.
It’s been soooo long since I’ve wanted to do that.
I read Miranda Gray’s books more than 10 years ago, and have participated to the World Wide Wombblessing for 5 years. And then ?
For such a long time I felt lost on a path that wasn’t mine …
Only it was. Because we are ALWAYS on OUR path.
Just sometimes we are meandering, and even getting really lost … or we stop … because life is too complicated, or too loud, or too demanding, so we just plain stop.
And binge watch Downtown Abbey after work, eat too many cookies, sleep too much or not enough, play way to many Candy Crush type games … and forget that life is beautiful.
I did. I got lost. I started spinning in my little guinea pig wheel, going nowhere but being sooo convinced THAT was life. I was tired, poor, generally unhappy and overwhelmed … and I was lost.
For various reasons (yes, I will tell you about that some day soon!), I recently found my way again … And my path included meeting Miranda Gray and becoming a Moon Mother. At last.
But this, ladies is just my beginning.
What about you ? Did you get lost ? Did you find your way back ? Would you like some help ? A few maps maybe ? Don’t hesitate to contact me!
In any case, don’t give up hope… You WILL find your way… Just start looking for it!
I’ll see you round !
Blessed Be
For more information about Miranda Gray, the Moon Mother certification and the World Wide Wombblessing, visit