Happy Imbolc everyone…
At Sundown today, ie ... right now here in France, Imbolc traditionally begins and continues through February 2nd.
It’s one of the eight festivals in the Wheel of the Year, the midpoint of winter.
For our ancestors, it was celebrating their survival during winter and the beginning of the agricultural year.
My invitation to you is to always use the change of seasons as an opportunity to pause and reflect. It’s the perfect time to reflect on your life, your Self, and any growth and changes you’ve gone through over the year so far.
Every season – even the slow, quiet seasons – are inviting you to grow in some way.
Everything in nature is influenced by where we are in the season. The natural world is constantly shifting and transforming in some way, in response to the seasonal energy.
The same is true for you and me. We are a part of nature, and just like everything else in the natural world, we are constantly being influenced by its energy. It is constantly pushing and pulling on our spirits, as the seasons ebb and flow.
Imbolc is an ancient Gaelic holiday celebrating the very first stirrings of new life – the earliest breaths of spring.
Even though there may still be snow on the ground where you are, even if it’s freezing cold outside, we are beginning to feel the very earliest hints of spring rising in our spirits. After months of hibernation and of rest, deep down life is beginning to stir again.
Just like nature is beginning to awaken after its dormant period, your spirit will also begin to reawaken soom with new dreams and new visions for the year to come.
But, in the words of H. S. Jacobs… Winter is Nature’s sleep.
And should be ours too! I encourage you to take your rest very seriously in the days ahead.
May these last weeks of winter bring you rich, nourishing rest and recuperation, and spark powerful dreams that will grow into unimaginable growth and transformation in your life this year.
And we still need sleep, stillness … and rejuvenation in the darkness. Now is not the time to start running around yet…
Imbolc also contains the promise of renewal, of hidden potential, of rebirth, renewal and revelations and life-force stirring, as well as preparation for the new year to come.
It is the season of hope.
Ad to get ready for the imminent awakening… We purify our houses and ourselves, get rid of the winter dust… and start intentions and planning…
So we let the Crone die and welcome the Maiden back in our life… And slowly, so slowly, she will rise and bring back life and joy and light into the world and into our lives!
So … How are you going to spend your Imbolc time?
Imbolc unlike other festivals of the Wheel of the year remains above all an intimate and personal celebration, a moment of introspection and preparation for rebirth. It's the last moment to take stock and purify yourself of everything you want to leave aside at the end of the dark period.
Spending some time journaling by candlelight, creating a release ritual, writing down your dreams and intentions for the year to come, vision boarding, meditating, starting to plan your garden, drinking milk and honey (and sharing with Mother Earth to call in abundance)… There are some ideas for this sacred time.
Here are some affirmations you could use in the next few days and weeks…
I plant my roots firmly in the earth to grow and develop.
I give myself permission to rest and dream some more.
I cultivate the spark of life in my soul.
I awaken and nurture the seeds of my future dreams.
I choose to let go of the old and be OK with change.
And then, slowly.. It will be time to start planning… to organise…
If that is scary and daunting … If the word organisation triggers the crap out of you…
I’ve got you.
Free 4 days Get organised Workshop! Change your days from stormy waters to smooth sailing!
This workshop is choc-a-block full of info and implementation ideas to change your life in just 4 short days … And it’s free !
We start on February 9th!
To get the Workbook and play along ... Opt-in to my email list here:
So much for today ...
I would be so happy to hear from you about all that.
Thank you in advance for your comment.
See you soon, for my next online adventures!
Until then I send you love, light and gratitude.