I am the old one, I am the ancient one
I am the beginning and the end
I am the tortoise and the turtle, patient, strong and determined
I am your grandmother and your mother too
I am the cauldron of creation, the origin of everything
I am the womb, the home and the coffin
I am your roots and your reason, your origin and your base
I am the cradle, the house and the casket
I am the ground for your feet to walk
I am the forest for your lungs to breathe
I am the cave for you to take shelter
I am the meadow for your body to lie down
I am the stream for your mouth to drink
I am the land for your hands to farm
I am the sea for your soul to unwind
I am the wild grass for your calves to caress
I am the flowers for your nose to smell
I am the fruits for your tongue to taste
I am the wind for your ears to listen to
I am the mountain for your spirit to rest
I am the whale for your eyes to admire
I am the sparrow for your heart to honor
I am the cat for your child to cherish
I am the scorpion for your mind to respect
I am the lava and the stone, the rock and the crystal
I am brown and copper, soil and fire
I am your planet for you to love
I am the core, the essence, the bosom, the center
I am the creator, the matrix, the first and the last
I am time, everlasting, always changing
I am Gaia
Please tell me if you like it !
And I’ll see you lovely people.
In the meantime, I’m sending, as always, love, light and gratitude.
PS : Join my free Facebook Group and tell me what you think, I love hearing from you !
PS: If you want to know more about Gaia and the way She can assist you in feeling abundant everyday … Read on …

Do you feel you’re not living in full abundance mode?
Do you experience frustration at not having an idea of what abundance is ?
Are you often anxious and worried about your future ?
Do you live paycheck to paycheck ?
Do you feel like you’re always hustling for more and never seem to get there ?
Does the word money scare you ?
Are you prompt to turn to panic mode when discussing wealth ?
Are you afraid to even consider money issues and go in hiding rather than dealing with them ?
Would you love to feel serene and safe around your money and your wealth and be open to receive full abundance everyday ?
I see you. THAT is when you need assistance from Gaia, Greek Goddess of the Earth and Grand Mother to us all.
Assistance in taking time and energy to work on your beliefs about abundance and wealth, in really actively changing your everyday actions, reactions and energy, in choosing where and what to focus on every minute, in imagining and putting to action new ways of being and feeling more abundant.
If you hear the call, subscribe to my email list and I will send you the links for this Free hands-on 1 hour Masterclass (happening on November 14th) to get to know Gaia and start living your abundant life today!
Click here: http://bit.ly/2MPZ9BI