Hello lovely people who may still be reading this!
Not only am I alive but I’m kicking ! I’ve been working hard and having fun and the results are coming in ! I am on my way with the most possible ease, joy and flow… So no hard plan, no big set in stone goals anymore …
I’m surrendering to what calls me and letting the rest go for now … I’m allowing what brings the more joy !
Soooo … Big announcement …. Drum Roll …
My Etsy Shop is now open! It will be home to my hand made notebooks and paintings and more to come !
And it’s called Isaya Art and Magic … i.e. IAM !!! I couldn’t believe it when I noticed it !
To celebrate I’ve created an advent calendar with a few surprises ! Check it out !
Tell me what you think, I love hearing from you !
So I’ll see you lovely people.
In the meantime, I’m sending, as always, love, light and gratitude
Keep it up dear Isa and may the next year bring you many good things, Love Y