It so happens that I have lived in 4 countries, moved in (and out of !) 25 different houses, I have 3 nationalities, have traveled extensively to 20 countries, have done at least 20 different paid jobs, have tried 30 or more creative styles, have undergone at least 3 different therapies, have learned from more than 100 mentors, specialists, gurus, coaches, psychologists, etc …
I have reinvented my life so many times … changed houses, stopped smoking, decorated my home, redecorated, changed professions, been single, married, got my hands dirty to renovate my1000m2 house, been pregnant, mother to babies, then to children, to teenagers, now to young adults, have loved, unloved, have been loved, unloved, been happy, sad, mourning, angry, healthy, sick, fat, slim, menstruating, transitioning to menopause …
All of these changes, these upcyclings of my life and personality … I’ve experienced them first hand… in JOY !
It’s been forever that my friends and family and even complete strangers ask for advice from me… on change and transformation…
One thing I know how to do and accompany others do… is change.
Make choices, embrace them, choose self love, shift towards a more positive version of yourself, transition to joy, venture into new freer territories, embrace the flow, adopt peace and gratitude, leap into sunnier endeavors, and implement optimism in your life. Upcycle !
And I know a whole lot about change, about the courage it takes to make choices, the energy it calls for, the support it requires, the various tools that can help any shift.
I know for sure that it’s so much easier and lighter and flowing when you are supported, encouraged, when someone can bear witness and hold space for you.
I am not a specialist of anything. But I know enough about … a lot of things! In our work together, I can assess what tools might be useful to you, let you experiment them with me in a safe space, then redirect you to various implementation techniques and/or specific specialists.
I am your toolkit for change, for transforming and upcycling your life and yourself!
If you’ve got the will to change, I’ve got the tools. Let’s do it ! Let’s start rebuilding your life with my array of colored tools !
And that my friends is rainbow life coaching ! I’ll tell you more about the tools and the ways I could help you color your life next week !
Sending love, light and gratitude