January 24


Navigating Low Tide

By IsayaBelle

January 24, 2025

ebb, guidedlife, lifestory, tide

One of the definitive insights I’ve had this last year is that, just like most spiritual teachers teach… Energy comes first.

Taking care of one’s own energy HAS to come first.

The Universe WILL meet us halfway.

But we must nurture our energy and maintain our vibration.

And how do you do that, pray Isaya?


This is a lifetime’s work AND a daily practice.

It has nothing to do with motivation and everything to do with discipline.

It’s an every minute attention paid to how I feel.

And as soon as I feel bad, I stop myself from going in that direction.

And steer the wheel towards gratitude, self acceptance and joy.

I call to mind all the "reasons" why my life is great, all the "signs" and all the memories of good times that are my living proofs that my life is actually great.

Even though… Even through… Even when… Even if…

I faithfully make it a habit to remind myself, cherish and celebrate each and every "good" idea and moment, each and every compliment, manifestation of love and appreciation that I received (and gave!), each instant of grace and beauty.

And take a step back to witness my vibration changing back to +++!!

I choose my quality of life by choosing my vibration. Energy comes first. Always.

It is not a "fake it till you make it situation". It is a "change it till you feel it" situation.

It isn’t about "thinking happy thoughts". It isn’t a "mind game" I play with myself.

You can read more about how this works here:



What it really means is that, as a Goddess Life Coach, I first and foremost LIVE A GODDESS LIFE… Then, and only then, can I coach from the lands of the Goddess Life, with HER energy and vibration in my words creations and ideas.

I live and coach from the lands of the 12 fundamental laws of the Universe (at least one version of these 12 laws, I now some people think there’s more or that these are not the "real" ones… They are the ones that make sense to me!)

And let me begin with a 13th one that precedes all of them…The Law of Energy… According to Albert Einstein, everything is energy, and energy is everything.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” — Albert Einstein

Now for the other 12...

1.The Law of Universal Oneness states that everything in the universe is connected.

2.The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives what we focus on. Like Energy attracts Like energy.

3.The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe has a Unique Vibration.

4.The Law of Increments states that all Energy moves in increments.

5.The Law of Rhythm states that cycles are a natural part of the universe.

6.The Law of Cause and Effect, often referred to as the Law of Karma, which states that every action has a consequence

7.The law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite, and these opposites are interconnected, that every vibration has an equal and opposite vibration (which by the way means there is always another vibration available for us)

8.The Law of Correspondence. As above, so below. Patterns repeat themselves throughout the Universe and the prominent patterns repeat themselves on smaller patterns.

9.The Law of Action states that manifestation requires aligned action.

10.The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that no energy is created but all energy is constantly moving and changing.

11.The Law of Relativity states that everything in the Universe is neutral when seen in isolation and it is only when we ascribe any meaning to anything that we see this reflected in our reality.

12.The Law of Balance states that everything is this Universe is comprised of both yin (feminine) and yang(masculine) energy. Many people may think that these are opposing forces when in reality they are complementary forces that cannot exist without one another.

Now, with all that, does that mean that I go around walking at a leisurely pace, a peaceful smile on my lips, my life in order and free of worries, my days flowing smoothly like a gentle river, free from chaos or unexpected twists?

Not quite. Life still throws its curveballs—sometimes it’s a roller-coaster, other times it’s more like a trampoline that keeps launching me into the air when I least expect it.

But with each step, I’m getting better at dodging the roller-coaster loops and trampoline launches, learning to dance through the chaos with a little more grace and presence, rather than flailing around like a windblown leaf.

And why does this matter?

Because, as we were discussing the other day with my bestie Vivian Watson, Energy works in cycles—like the tides and yet we need to keep afloat no matter what. Sometimes it’s high, sometimes it’s low, and that’s totally natural.

But here's the kicker: we often forget that. We push ourselves to always be "on," always active, always expansive, always showing up in the best light online, always being perfect. Then, the tide goes out. We feel the dip in energy, our enthusiasm fades, and suddenly even the idea of networking or talking about our offerings feels like a mountain to climb.

Cue panic attack.

We start questioning everything: What did we do wrong? Why aren’t we always at our best? We blame ourselves, beat ourselves up, and spiral down into guilt and self-criticism, which only deepens the downward spiral.

This is why it’s so important to understand how energy works (see the Laws of the Universe above). When we know how it flows, we don’t panic. Contraction is part of the process—it’s necessary, even. It’s the space where we integrate the lessons, and especially when we’re consciously shifting our vibration, it’s vital. It doesn’t mean you’re failing or moving backward. The tide may go down, but it will rise again. And then it’ll ebb, and then rise again. That’s just the rhythm of life.

So when your vibe is low, don’t give it some dramatic meaning it doesn’t deserve. Don’t let it convince you that you’re worthless, that you’ve failed, or that you’re not enough.

Just let the contraction be there. Dance with it. Breathe through it. Feel it. It’s okay. Be the observer. Learn to relax in that ebb… Do not set up camp there either though!

Then, do something that makes you feel good.

And remember, trust, KNOW that the waves will come back, that there will be flow again, that the cyclic nature of your body is reflected above and below in the Universe.

Soon, you’ll notice that those moments of contraction become shorter, less intense, and less frequent.

And ultimately, we become less permeable to the low tides. We begin to feel OK, no matter what, even in the deep winter, even when we’re sick, when no one tells us they love us, even if our work feels invisible or our energy is low. We learn to find peace in the ebbs and flows, knowing that nothing is permanent, and the tide will turn again.


I believe that is all for today.

I would be so happy to hear from you.

Please like, comment, share and subscribe to my content if you find it inspiring.

I send, as always, love, light and gratitude.


PS: I am now on Substack, sharing my writing adventures over there too… If you’re interested, you subscribe for free here:https://substack.com/@isayabelle

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