January 17


Distortion and Abundance: Redefining Beliefs for Twenty-Twenty Thrive

By IsayaBelle

January 17, 2025

Financial goals, lifestory, money mindset, Redefining abundance, Reframing beliefs about money, Twenty-Twenty Thrive

Today I want to talk about abundance.

I am going to be challenging a few well-accepted ideas in this post though, so buckle up and bear with me if you dare!

Beginning a new year, everyone seems to be writing their intentions and goals, financial ambitions and income targets.

It makes me sick.

In my opinion, there is something twisted about writing down money goals before writing down how one wants to feel, what one wants to share with the world, how one hopes to be of service.

Don’t get me wrong, please, I’m not saying, don’t write your money goals, etc.

No, I don’t believe money is the root of all evils and the like. I’ve done my shadow work, been there done that, got the T-shirt.

What I’m saying is we seem to have jumped straight out of the frying pan into the fire.

I do not believe for a second that it is earnestly possible to transition from a place where one believes that money is despicable and corrupt everything, to one where one believes it’s all about the money, and if one simply utters their money goals to the Universe, they will "manifest" these amounts.

I believe this will sow the seeds of one's own "failure". And please go and read my articles about success and failure to see what I mean… (start here:https://isayabelle.com/rethinking-success-beyond-metrics)

Yes, from a place where money is tight and I believe it "difficult" to come, deciding abruptly that my money goal for a year is 100K (or less, or more, whatever) is actually an invitation for disaster.

Actually I did that. A few years back, I set myself a huge money goal, far outside my comfort zone. I made me feel uncomfortable to even imagine that I "deserved" that money… I was led to believe (by a coach, yes, not a very good one!) that by setting a goal outside of my comfort zone, I would push myself towards excellence and thrive, that a high money goal meant that I viewed myself as valuable (and the reverse would, of course, mean that I had no self-esteem...)

I’m sad to report that I believed that coach and set up to imagine what I could sell to fulfil that money goal…

Needless to say, like a frightened shellfish, I retreated into my shell and did pretty much nothing that year… so big was the cliff I was supposed to jump from that it completely paralysed me. And none of the amazing stuff that I was hoping to offer to the world ever saw of the light of day.

Needless to say I "failed". And learned my lesson.

I know now that I should have gone at it the other way around.

Where is my joy? What do I love doing?

What am I excited to share with the world?

Who do I long to be of service to?

Begin here. Create offers, both free and paying, that encompass the answers to these questions and there is no stopping me. Or you, by the way…

Then I can choose how these offers can be priced so as to be an easy YES! for the people I desire to serve. And imagine how many I would sell.

That is my money goal.

So let’s dissect my newfound philosophy about abundance… And then let’s get out in the world and practice, both me and you!

Phase one, as previously mentioned is answering these 3 questions.

Phase two is reviewing some of our beliefs… and re-framing some commonly agreed upon concepts.

Story time.

So last year, I had cancer.

And made no money in my business. Or almost no money. Because I focused on healing and did little promotion, no new programs and really was OK with my business being on pause. The Universe heard me… and I made no money. That is my story?

Is it true?

Well...Not really. Money trickled in … And I made around 500€ selling short meditations and low priced offers.

So not nothing.

And then, on December 6th, I made 50K. Yep, in one day. I had a 50K day. Which is way more than any of my previously set "money goals".

I sold an apartment that day. And 50K landed on my bank account. This sale also symbolized releasing old ties and creating space for new energy.

Yes. It’s "not from my business, so it doesn’t count."

Yes, Its’ a one-time thing and I can’t repeat that as I do not own more than one I can sell (still need a place to live!!)

But hey… I had a 50K day.

Moreover, that means that in 2024, I had a 50500€ year.

Not bad right, for a woman in her "healing, not working" year?

Reframe is everything right?

Let me tell you about some other re-framing ideas I’ve crossed paths with recently...

What if I measure abundance by the amounts I have spent, not the amounts I have earned… Because if I spent it… I had it in the first place. Isn’t that what true abundance is? Having money to spend? Because let me tell you this 50K day only happened in December… and yet in 2024, I ate every day, aid my bills, travelled, bought art supplies (of course!!) and books and contributed to various charities… among other things.

So guess what? I did have money to spend. Abundantly!

So what if we changed our perspective around abundance… and seriously started looking at how much we can spend as the truest reflection of what we already possess, instead of just chasing what’s yet to come? What if abundance isn’t about accumulating, but about trusting that we’ll always have enough to flow with generosity, joy, and purpose?

Another nice reframe is to reflect on that mind-bending twist: If I am everything, I am the whole Universe (and I believe I am!), then every payment is a cosmic exchange within myself—a loop of abundance. Spending becomes earning because it all flows back into the same infinite universe that is me. A playful paradox, but one that makes you question the very idea of scarcity. 

Finally, what if we began using the word USE money instead of SPEND money… Using money feels so much more intentional and empowered than spending it. It shifts the perspective from losing something to actively directing a resource for purpose, joy, or growth. It’s like money becomes a tool you wield, not just something you part with. A simple word change, but it carries so much energy! Using this mindset, I began to see each transaction as an act of empowerment rather than depletion.


As we step into Twenty-Twenty Thrive, I invite you to join me in rethinking abundance, not just as a concept but as a practice.

A few ideas for redefining abundance for Twenty-Twenty Thrive.

What do you think?

Does any of that appeal to you?

I believe that is all for today.

I would be so happy to hear from you.

Please like, comment, share and subscribe to my content if you find it inspiring.

I send, as always, love, light and gratitude.


PS: I am now on Substack, sharing my writing adventures over there too… If you’re interested, you subscribe for free here:https://substack.com/@isayabelle

  • I got this message in my inbox from Cindi … I thought I’d share it here because I love it!!

    “I love this Isaya. Using money or how about exchanging money? Isn’t it after all another form of energy and we’re exchanging it for something else that we desire.

    I hope you’re off to a great start in 2025, my friend. I always enjoy hearing from you!

    Vibrantly Yours,
    Cindi (she/her)
    Your MidLife MidWife”

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