In every aspect of life, from personal ambitions to groundbreaking innovations, there seems to be a common thread: people who believe in the impossible often find themselves at odds with those who are actively working to achieve it. The world is filled with dreamers and doers, sceptics and believers, and it's crucial to recognize the impact these differing attitudes can have on progress and personal growth.
The phrase “Those who think it's impossible are asked not to disturb those who are trying” serves as a gentle reminder and a firm boundary. It’s not just a call for respect but a recognition of the divergent energies that drive human endeavor. When people embark on ambitious projects or pursue unconventional goals, they often face criticism from those who are quick to dismiss their dreams as unattainable. This scepticism can be rooted in genuine concern or simple disbelief (or more, back to that later), but either way, it has the potential to derail the efforts of those who are determined to prove that what seems impossible is, in fact, possible.

Imagine the countless pioneers who have changed the course of history despite facing overwhelming doubt. Think of the inventors, scientists, artists, writers and visionaries who ventured into the unknown, not just braving the scepticism of their peers but often thriving in the face of it. They were driven by an inner conviction, a belief in their vision that transcended the limits imposed by conventional thinking. Their success wasn’t guaranteed by the absence of naysayers but rather by their ability to persevere despite them. Below are some of these dreamers...

Marie Curie (1867-1934) for instance, defied the expectations of her time with her groundbreaking research in radioactivity. At a time when women were rarely admitted to scientific circles, and the nature of radioactivity was not yet understood, Curie’s work led to the discovery of radium and polonium. Despite the scientific community’s doubts and the health risks associated with her research, Curie's work fundamentally changed the fields of physics and chemistry, earning her two Nobel Prizes and establishing her as a pioneer in science.
The idea of reaching the summit of Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, was long considered impossible due to its extreme altitude and harsh conditions. In 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa of Nepal, achieved this feat, proving that human endurance and determination could conquer what had once been deemed insurmountable. Their successful ascent was a monumental achievement in the field of exploration and mountaineering.

Before the 1950s, polio was a debilitating and feared disease, with no effective treatment or vaccine available. Dr. Jonas Salk developed the first successful polio vaccine, which was initially met with scepticism and resistance. Despite this, Salk’s vaccine dramatically reduced the incidence of polio and is credited with eradicating the disease in many parts of the world. His work demonstrated that what was once considered an impossible challenge could be overcome with innovation and perseverance.
In the 1940s, racial segregation was deeply entrenched in American society, including professional sports. Jackie Robinson broke the colour barrier in Major League Baseball in 1947, becoming the first African American to play in the major leagues. Despite facing immense racial prejudice and hostility, Robinson’s exceptional talent and resilience paved the way for integration in sports and inspired generations of athletes and activists.

J.K. Rowling’s journey to success with the "Harry Potter" series is another remarkable example of perseverance against the odds. Before the first book was published, Rowling faced numerous rejections from publishers and was living in near poverty. Despite these challenges, she continued to believe in her story. Eventually, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone" was published, leading to one of the most successful and beloved book series of all time. Rowling’s story exemplifies how determination and belief in one’s vision can overcome seemingly insurmountable barriers.

Each of these individuals faced significant scepticism and obstacles but persisted in their endeavours, ultimately achieving what was once thought to be impossible. Their stories inspire us to challenge the limits of what is possible and to pursue our own dreams with resilience and determination.
But this dynamic extends beyond grand achievements and into our everyday lives. It can be seen in the personal goals we set, the relationships we cultivate, and the self-improvement journeys we undertake. When we’re working towards something significant, we are often met with doubts and criticisms from those who either can’t see the end goal or can’t imagine the journey involved. It’s essential to filter out this noise and focus on the task at hand. The energy spent convincing others or defending your aspirations can often be better directed towards the work itself.

Being asked not to disturb those who are trying is not about shutting out constructive criticism or avoiding healthy debate. It’s about creating a space where vision and effort can thrive without the constant drag of negative energy. Constructive feedback has its place and can be invaluable, but when it turns into discouragement or disbelief, it only serves to hinder progress.
For those who are on the journey, it’s important to cultivate resilience and surround oneself with supportive, like-minded individuals. Finding a network of encouragers and fellow dreamers can provide the emotional and intellectual support needed to keep moving forward. It’s about building an environment where creativity and ambition can flourish, free from the constraints of limiting beliefs.

On the flip side, for those who are skeptical, it’s important to recognize the value of allowing others to pursue their goals without interference. Some dreams need a safe, private space to develop and flourish, free from public criticism. By respecting others’ paths—even if you don’t fully understand or agree with their methods—you contribute to a more supportive and less divisive environment. Disrespecting these boundaries can also sometimes stem from a fear that someone else’s success might highlight one's own shortcomings.
In essence, the idea is to honor the delicate balance between vision and reality. It’s about giving space for the impossible to become possible through sheer determination and effort. The world benefits from the courage of those who dare to dream beyond the boundaries of the feasible. Their success often becomes a testament to the fact that with perseverance, even the most improbable dreams can be realized.

So, whether you are the dreamer or the septic, remember this: every breakthrough and every personal victory begins with the willingness to pursue what others may deem impossible. Let those who are trying do so without unnecessary interference, and let the belief in possibility drive us all forward.
As for me, as you would have guessed, I am with the dreamers. And one thing I have learnt in my long dreamer journey is that, if there are different approaches to achieving goals, the first step is always to believe in our dreams. And to do so, not exposing them to the sometimes crushing scepticism of others is crucial… So I’m not telling you all of my dreams today… But I can tell you that I’ve got big ones… and big things coming! Stay tuned!

I'll be happy to hear from you on these subjects. Thank you in advance for your comment.
So much for today …
See you soon, for my next online adventures!
Until then I send you love, light and gratitude.

PS: Maybe you feel like you want to support me as I navigate the Cancer journey?
I am OK and grateful to receive any Reiki, Prayers, Light, Love, Hugs or any other healing modal sent with pure intentions and love.
As far as advice and "recipes" are concerned, please ask me before you download your knowledge, links or recommendations onto me. Overwhelm is always lurking… I have been doing my research and I'm walking this healing path to the best of my abilities...
On a very practical way, because I’m going to be focusing on my healing, I will have less money coming in…
One way to help and support me is to actually buy something from me!
You can find some of my Goddess Connected programs here:
or here:
PPS: Please bear in mind that I am reclaiming my journey and that my solutions and my path are mine and mine only. They are not intended to be a guide or a list of advice, a handbook or manual or any kind, least of all medical. This is just me sharing my journey.
PPPS: Many of you have been asking for news and updates. This cancer path has been kicking my ass on so many levels, but the main one is the very vocal reminder that I have to be selfish and take care of myself first. So here is a small update!
The surgery to remove the mass in my kidney is still on for September 26th. So I got my summer back. Did I rush to "do" something with it, like go back to work? Nope. I rushed to keep my plan of slowing down and allow for the brewing of the next phase.
Moreover, I’m having to take some rather strong drugs for the TB so I’m rather tired… So this August, I had a plan of sound baths, boardgames, crafting, resting, reading books, writing, welcoming friends and family and using my hammock to the best of my abilities… and same goes for September, with adding a lovely relaxing trip to Greece for some Vitamin Sea!