Join the enchanting world of "8 Goddess Sundays" and dedicate 8 sacred days entirely to you and your inner Goddess. Dive into the mystical realms of 8 extraordinary Greek Goddess Archetypes.

Join Isaya Gabriel and meet the Goddesses in you!

YEAH! You're in! You will get an email to connect to your program shortly and you can begin reconnecting with your inner Goddess, exploring Greek Goddess Archetypes, and embracing self-love and self-care anew.

Elevate your life with 8 Goddess Sundays!

How this works :

  • Each Goddess Sunday, connect with a different Goddess, absorb her divine energy, and embrace her powerful Archetype.
  • Picture this: It's your special day. The sun greets you as you wake up. Your Goddess Sunday can be enjoyed at home, in your garden, by the beach, or in the serene forest.
  • In the morning, find inspiration in an enchanting e-book filled with ideas, fairy rituals, captivating music, color symbolism, fun facts, journaling prompts, Goddess secrets, and seasonal magic. Dive deeper with links to videos, podcasts, and blog posts.
  • You'll receive delightful suggestions to enhance your Goddess Sunday, making it an extraordinary experience.
  • As the day concludes, join a Circle Replay at your convenience. Engage in cozy discussions and captivating Goddess stories. Conclude with a potent Goddess invocation, infusing your life with the Archetype's energy.
  • Everything is recorded, granting you the flexibility to savor the magic on your terms. Spend a day with a Goddess or savor it over weeks. Plus, enjoy lifetime access!

Just sit tight and watch your inbox...

But wait ... Do you want more?

How about 8 Goddesses Invocation Meditations?

Connect with each of the 8 Goddesses you're going to meet in your program in a closer, more intimate way... and invoke their presence into your life... Today!!

Important Clarification: These invocations are already in the recordings of your  Circle Replays. They were recorded live without music. This offer is for "fancier" recorded audios, edited with beautiful background music.

An AMAzing offer ... on this page only!

8 Goddesses Invocations

one low price of 27€

Important Clarification: These invocations are already in the recordings of your  Circle Replays. They were recorded live without music. This offer is for "fancier" recorded audios, edited with beautiful background music.

Invoke your Greek Goddesses!


Goddesses Invocation Meditations

One for each of the Greek Goddesses Archetypes you get to meet in your program!

Isaya Gabriel, with profound dedication and artistry, has crafted these unique Invocation Meditations, tailored specifically to harmonize with and enhance the essence of the programs she offers. Each meticulously curated meditation spans a duration of at least 10 minutes, delicately designed to facilitate a deep alignment with the respective Goddess, enabling a transformative and immersive experience.

Meet Isaya Gabriel

Magico-Pragmatic Inspiration Mentor

Tech Goddess Teacher - Mixed Media Spiritual Craft Artist - Traveling Priestess - Moon Mother and Remote Practitioner - Menstrual Cycle Companion - Sacred Retreats Facilitator - Co-Founder of the Women Lighting the Way Summit - Creator of OTALOCO, Oracle and Tarot Lover Congress.

Isaya is a Mixed Media Spiritual Artist, a Magico-Pragmatic Inspiration Mentor, a Tech Goddess Teacher, a Moon Mother, a Menstrual Cycle Companion and a Traveling Priestess. She holds space for women who dare to rise, shine their light, transform their lives and raise the vibration of the planet as a whole! Isaya lives a Goddess Life while inspiring others to do the same! She has worked with the Divine Feminine for over 20 years, irl and online, and facilitated Women’s Circles, Red Tents, Artist Workshops and Sacred Retreats all over the world and co-founded the Women Lighting the Way Summit.

More about me and how I can accompany you on my website: https://isayabelle.com/

what people say

What my clients say about Me

Isaya is amazing, she really knows how to tap into your goddess and help with what you need.

Dotty Delightful

Thanks to Isaya, I pay a subtler attention to the magic aspect of my everyday life.

Mirza V. 

However, it really changed my life! I feel more at peace, with tools that really serve me!

Elisabeth A.

An AMAzing offer ... on this page only!

8 Goddesses Invocations

one low price of 27€

Important Clarification: These invocations are already in the recordings of your  Circle Replays. They were recorded live without music. This offer is for "fancier" recorded audios, edited with beautiful background music.
